Obama’s Devastatingly Mixed Signals

For better or worse, each passing day the Middle East is becoming more unstable. Regimes that have clung to power for decades are now being overthrown and threatened. Others are preemptively cracking down on their opponents or seeking to appease them.

While no one can say with certainty what the future will bring to the radically altered Middle Eastern landscape, it is becoming increasingly apparent that US influence over events here will be dramatically diminished.

[Commentary] EU: We want a President; World: Oh, were you talking to us?

by Caela After the Irish “yes” to Lisbon Treaty, European capitals were swept with speculations as to who would get the top job that Lisbon would create. Think Tanks across the Union worked double time to put forward necessary policy proposals aiming to strengthen the Union. At first ears around the world perked up to … Continue reading

Who Needs to Be EU President?

by Giles Merritt Whoever steps into Europe’s new top job as President of the European Council will set the mold. If it is someone of worldwide renown, the presidency will immediately be established as a post of global importance. But if its first occupant is not a household name, the presidency will be doomed as … Continue reading

The Nobel Madness

Isn’t it funny when the media find fault and cry “undeserving” in recent years when the Nobel Peace Prize is given in this manner? Hello? Do they they get amnesia every year? After all, this is the institution that gave Kofi Annan and the UN an award “for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world.” (Where that world is, I’d like to arrange a transfer please. Hitler’s intention too was for a more organized world, or so I heard.If intent alone warranted prizes I would be on this list as so every beauty queen who wanted “world peace”. Also I would have a Nobel Prize for Literature and Physics too.) Raise hell whenever the Oslo Selection Committee names a laureate who is actually “worthy of great honor or distinction”, it’s out of character. This backfire after a long playing zarzuela and trahedya de komedya of the media’s love affair with Barack Obama deserve a good ribbing and lots of laugh. This was expected and can be seen and heard from a mile away, so grin and bear it. Don’t fuss and be a kill joy.

Russia-China Warn US That Israeli Attack On Iran Means “World War”

A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Medvedev and Chinese President Hu have issued an “urgent warning” to the United States that says if the Americans allow an Israeli nuclear attack upon Iran, “World War will be our response”.

US-Iran Strategy: Washington’s Waiting

by Caela AMMAN. US Defence Secretary Robert Gates warned on Monday that tough sanctions will follow if Tehran fails to respond to Washington’s offers of dialogue on its controversial nuclear programme. “What is clear is if the engagement process is not successful, the United States is prepared to press for significant additional sanctions that would … Continue reading

Angela Merkel: At the Helm of EU

by Caela British Prime Minister Gordon Brown may have saved the world financial system [sic]. French President Nicolas Sarkozy have marshalled the EU’s emergency response to the October banking crisis. But it is German Chancellor Angela Merkel who is now the European Union’s dominant figure as she leads with Germany’s economic heft. Back on March … Continue reading